Here's a brief recap...
The Nutcracker at the Orpheum.

Graceland with my family

Anniversary dinner(s)
Cafe Society

Capriccio Grill at the Peabody

My niece's birthday party at Harris's Skating Rink (an old childhood hangout for me)

Too many Grizzlies games to count (Go Grizz!)

Mickey Mouse pancakes at Bob's Restaurant in Booneville (my niece's meal)

Speaking of my niece, I've gotten to spend a lot of time with her so far this year

Bug restoration work

Yard work, yard work and more yard work

The beginnings of a raised garden where we plan to grow tomatoes, zucchini squash, peppers and whatever else we can think of to grow in a small space (any suggestions?)

A trip to Sun Studios (that's my brother and his girlfriend in the top picture)

Basically, we've had lots of fun, worked really hard and I've gotten to see my family quite a bit. Not a bad start to the year.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
I, too, have a tiny garden space. Last year I grew bush cucumbers and they didn't spread too much. In the fall (or spring, but maybe too late for y'all) you could plant lettuces, spinach, radishes. Swiss chard is nice too because the same couple plants just keeps producing into the fall. This year I bought some pea plants that don't need staked. We'll see how they do!