So our first regular season as Grizzlies ticket holders has come to a close. With the shortened season and injury problems we've dealt with, it's been at times, maddening, magical, heartbreaking and exciting. I don't regret one minute or one penny we've spent.
When we bought tickets, I figured Crystel would go to a few games and completely hate it. Boy, was I wrong. I think she's a bigger fan than me, and it's been great to share this together.
I don't know if there's ever been a team that is a better reflection of its hometown than the Memphis Grizzlies. I like each and every one of our players, and I think Twitter has brought a whole new level of fan involvement in professional sports. Seriously, follow Tony Allen on Twitter.
Anyway, here's a brief photo recap of the season. While you're at it, listen to the best sports interview all year right
here. You can also find it at the iTunes store podcast section by searching Chris Vernon. It's hour 1 of the 4/24 show.

First game

Little Bro and his girlfriend captured on the Jumbotron

Grizz doing his nightly impersonation of the halftime entertainment

Grizzline performing LMFAO

Warming up

My personal favorite, Lil' Grizz... my friends think I have issues, but I can't help from laughing uncontrollably, like a 3rd grader laughing at fart jokes, when he makes an appearance.


Rocking the Tams throwbacks

Grizz in aerial assault mode

Grizzline again

O.J. after a 3 pointer

Tony talking about God knows what

Beale Street Flipper in mid-air

Me in postseason form

Grizz in a popcorn fight. This picture made me a minor celebrity, since Grizz himself retweeted it when I posted it on Twitter

Grit and Grind

The man with a million thoughts racing through his head

More entertainment

The Flippers again

More Tams action

The best basketball photo of the year, hands down.
Postseason, here we come. I have a feeling this team could do great things. Either way, I'll be back in FedEx Forum cheering them on again next year.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad